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De Jure Advocates

Property & Real-Estate Law

Preparation and handling of trusts, powers of attorney, probate issues and other important needs

Estate Planning & Legal Support Services

Protecting your assets and planning for their eventual use by loved ones is a task of vital significance for anyone who values their achievements in life and cares deeply about the future of those they leave behind. Working with an experienced lawyer who understands the options and opportunities that individuals and spouses have at their disposal when developing an estate plan is crucial to making things work.

Alden Sharman Law Office has more than 30 years' experience in estate planning and often helps clients referred to us by other attorneys throughout Chicago

At Alden Sharman Law Office, we believe that it is never too late to address important issues. If you have failed to put an estate plan into place or need to revisit your will and other important documents, we can help you deal with these issues and achieve greater peace of mind.

We offer a full complement of estate planning services that address virtually all of your legal needs in connection with property and investment holdings, related tax issues and important arrangements to address potential incapacity or the need for assistance. These include:

  • Wills:
    We draft and revise wills, taking the time to inventory your assets and discuss your wishes with respect to bequests to family members, loved ones and others with whom you want to share your estate after death.
  • Living wills:
    Also known as advance healthcare directives, living wills are drafted to address medical and other issues that can arise in life. These documents appoint an agent to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so, and give instructions about your healthcare, including whether you want medical care provided or withheld if you have a terminal medical condition or become permanently unconscious.
  • Probate:
    A proper estate plan allows your property to be distributed according to your wishes during probate.
  • Trusts:
    The advantage of using trusts in your estate plan is undeniable in many circumstances. We explain the types of trusts available and differentiate the situations and purposes for which they are best suited.
  • Estate and Gift Tax:
    Minimizing tax is an important goal of a plan for the distribution of your assets. We guide you through estate tax and gift tax issues while preparing your plan.
  • Powers of Attorney:
    Advance planning allows you to designate individuals to help you with important financial, medical and other decisions should you become unable to do so. This is generally accomplished through powers of attorney.
  • Asset and Home Preservation: When unexpected medical issues arise, it may be necessary to use a nursing home. The expense of doing so is not covered under many insurance policies. The debt incurred could threaten your assets and home. But a knowledgeable Medicaid attorney may help you find another way and assist you with asset and home preservation and protection.

The goal of Alden Sharman Law Office is to address these matters in a caring and compassionate manner, preparing you and your family for the future.

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